Batman Vol. 1: The Court of Owls

Release Info
Drop Date: 05/29/24
Price: $0.0
Purchase Limit: Unlimited
Public Sale Wed, May 29 2024 12:30PM EDT
Comic Listing Wed, May 29 2024 12:30PM EDT
Pack Listing Wed, May 29 2024 12:30PM EDT
Result of the Batman (2011 - 2016) #1-#7 Overdrive Event
Pack Data
Minted Packs: 0
Left For Sale/Not Minted: Loading
Comics Per Pack: 1
Number of Packs In Drop: 712
Comic Data
Wrapped Packs: Loading
Minted Comics: Loading
Edition Size: 712

Rarity Information

Rarity Current Supply Total Available Unminted/Burned
Legendary 0 35 35
Epic 0 71 71
Rare 0 107 107
Uncommon 0 214 214
Core 0 285 285
Note: Supply information only includes comics that have finished minting and been revealed from their packs

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